Volunteer with us in the garden!
2025 Season schedule:

  • Tuesday mornings 9am-11am - Volunteering in the garden

  • Saturday Mornings 9am-11am - Volunteering in the garden

  • 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoons 1pm-3pm - Greeters in the garden

  • TBD - Event helpers for workshops, concerts and other public programs

Feel free to contact us for more information!

Join us for a New Volunteer Orientation on April 26th


During the growing season, our extraordinary group of talented and generous garden volunteers, meets Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9am to 11am in the Beatrix Farrand Garden. Under the direction of our horticulturist Karen Waltuch, they keep the garden beautiful. Volunteering seasonally begins weather permitting, usually around mid-April and goes weekly until late October. Volunteers must sign liability forms through the National Park Service (which we provide) before working in our garden.

Other volunteers also help us greet visitors to the garden on select Sunday afternoons and also lend a hand with educational programs, our annual plant sale, promotions and other events. Sometimes we even have special group tours of other locations for our volunteers. Contact us if you are interested in joining our group of wonderful volunteers. We'd love to have you!

Feel free to contact us for more information!