The Realization of the Wild Garden
Inspired by the importance of Farrand’s pioneering work and a completed Cultural Landscape Report, BFGA and the National Park Service embarked on a collaboration to realize this feature at Bellefield. In 2015 NPS Horticulturist Anna de Cordova, local landscape designer Heather Whitefield, and former BFGA Horticulturist Anne Symmes began the process of researching Farrand’s other wild gardens to glean a list of her signature plants that could be appropriately installed at Bellefield. A major list of bulbs, herbaceous plants, woody plants and trees was created, and a list of site improvements was devised. For the next 6 years, the aspirations for a realization of the garden would take a backseat to the creation of our documentary film, a worldwide pandemic, and the need for significant new funding.
Coincidentally, Bob Ouimette was becoming a Beatrix Farrand enthusiast, after discovering her ties to Edith Wharton and The Mount, and researching her gardens. Bob, who grew up in the area, made a visit to Bellefield and was intrigued by the yet unrealized plans for the Wild Garden. What followed was a substantial gift, part seed money and part challenge that ignited further giving by more than 150 additional donors, including local residents, businesses, Beatrix Farrand enthusiasts, and members of the Morgan Family, former residents of Bellefield. With that great momentum we have now reached the $150,000 goal needed to complete the project plan, including all preparations, plant installations, accessibility improvements, and a fund to ensure future seasons of care for this significant investment in our garden. The priceless collaboration and support of the National Park Service has also continued to make this project possible every step of the way. The wild garden project is being phased in over a period of years, first addressing circulation issues that will enhance visitor interaction with the formal garden, specifically using the naturalistic plantings to link the formal garden with the Wallace Center and on to the extensive trail network throughout the Park.
We thought of no more suitable time than the 150th birthday of Beatrix Farrand in 2022–which coincided with the 110th anniversary of her design of our garden– to announce to the public that we were breaking ground to realize her wild garden at Bellefield. Educational and cultural programming will be developed around the project, involving our community in this unique moment in the site’s history as well. With the excitement of the evolving and experimental nature of this garden in a historic space, comes the need for additional support. We welcome donations to support the establishment efforts of these thousands of new plants over the coming years.